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How to cleaning up unmanaged resources in .NET
Unfortunately, we need to release yourself unmanaged resources so this article describes implementing Using, Dispose pattern, Finalizer methods for cleaning up unmanaged resources in .NET.
Global Exception Handing in .NET 6 Web API
We'll go through how to handle exceptions in a more complex way and cleaner as well. We managed exceptions handling, and use these pattern to write clean code and more readable.
Create your own .NET Core CLI tool
How to create your .NET Command Line Interface (CLI) Tool using the new .NET 6 technology and build your own global tools
Best React UI Framework 2021
In this article will cover some of the best and most popular free React UI component libraries that you can choose from in 2021.
Alter Authorization for SQL Server Database
Alter Authorization for MSSQL Database to change the ownership of any entity that has an owner of a database, table, view...
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