December 18, 2021
Best React UI Framework 2021

In this article will cover some of the best and most popular free React UI component libraries that you can choose from in 2021.
Tailwind CSS
TailwindCSS is a framework like no other. Rather than constraining you to a set design, it gives you the tools and the standardization to build exactly what you want.
React Bootstrap
React Bootstrap is the React implementation of the official Bootstrap 4 UI kit. It provides support for all original components with no 3rd party dependency.
Material UI React
Material UI is the React implementation of the material design system from Google.
Shards React
Shards React is a modern React component library featuring dozens of custom high-quality components. Using Shards React you’re not only making sure your interface looks good, but you’d also saving a lot of time.
It’s also sleek and stands apart from the generic material design by adding its own special twist. Shards React is created specifically for building rich and interactive user interfaces. Make sure to give it a spin!
Ant Design React
Ant Design React is an enterprise-class UI design language for web applications featuring a set of high-quality React components.
Semantic UI React
Semantic UI React is the React implementation of the Semantic UI kit. It’s jQuery free and provides a declarative API.
Atlaskit is Atlassian’s official UI library, built according to the Atlassian Design Guidelines.
Carbon Components
Carbon is the React components implementation of IBM’s design language. The system provides all the UI tools and resources needed to craft digital products and experiences.
Onsen UI React
Onsen UI React is the React implementation of the Onsen library. It features a large set f UI components designed for mobile apps.
Prime React
Prime React is a free React components library. It features more than 60 components and it’s released under the permissive MIT license.
Fabric is Microsoft’s robust and up to date React components library. It’s built specifically to make your apps look like Office quickly and easily.
Khan React Components
The Khan React components library is Khan Academy’s implementation of their design system.
React Foundation
React Foundation is the React implementation of the popular Foundation UI framework.
Grommet is a react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package
There’s no shortage of libraries to choose from. However, your final decision will highly depend on your project’s requirements and whether or not any of the libraries above cover some, if not all of them.
For my side, just simply use the Tailwind CSS to customize the UI. I hope you’ve enjoyed this roundup! Let me know in the comments below if there’s any React components library that you think I’ve missed.
That's it for now. Keep coding and enjoy exploring !!!
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